The Great Hunt Themes

The Great Hunt Themes


One of the main themes in the novel is the theme of responsibility. The main hero, Rand, is faced with a very heavy responsibility, and he refuses to acknowledge and accept it, despite his actions leading him towards that acceptance. He is Lews Therin, the Dragon Reborn, and with that name comes a great responsibility-something Rand is aware of and tries to deny and escape from it. His actions show that he is ready to do what it takes to protect his friends from the Dark One, even facing him in the battle at the end. At the end, even though he is still reluctant to accept his call, he takes on the responsibility of the Dragon Reborn, because the world is threatened whether he does it or not, and he is the only one who can save it.


As the previous one, this novel also gives great importance to friendship as a form of comfort and saving. All the protagonist form close bonds that keep them going, even when they come to a dead end. Female friendship is prominently displayed in this one with Egwene, Nynaeve, Min and Elayne. All the girls are connected through fate, and three of them are in love with Rand. Despite their differences, they decide to stick together and help each other survive.

Good vs. Evil

The novel shows the everlasting battle between good and evil. A battle that has lasted throughout the turnings of the wheel, and on which the whole world depends on. It shows evil personified through the existence of the Dark One and his followers embellished with greed, corruption and vileness. It shows good through Rand and his friends, who are doing what they can to survive and battle this evil. In this novel we also have gray areas in the form of Whitecloaks and through the example of Ingtar. Whitecloaks are seemingly fighting for light and good, but are rotten and evil at their core, while Ingtar is revealed to be a Darkfriend who repents at the end, and sacrifices his life for Rand and rest to escape.

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