The Great Hunt Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Great Hunt Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Horn of Valere

The Horn of Valere is the central object and symbol in the novel. It is from the Age of Legends and used to bring out Arthur Hawkwing and other great warriors from the dead to fight alongside the Reborn Dragon. It symbolizes the connection to the past, the past influencing the present, and the past used to help with present circumstances.

The Dager of Shadar Lagoth

The dagger of Shadar Lagoth is an object from the cursed place, ridden by evil. The evil of Shadar Lagoth is the evil beyond the evil of the Dark One-it was directly born out of human greed, hatred and sorrow. The dagger is a symbol of that evil, the evil of Shadar Lagoth on a small scale. The human-made evil of Shadar Lagoth is even more devastating and threatening than the evil of the Dark One.


Damane are a symbol of enslavement. Egwene gets captured by the Seanchan and becomes a damane, an enslaved woman who wields the one power. Damane are connected with a chain and collar to a suldan, a woman who is in complete control of their actions, thoughts and emotions. It is an extreme and absolute show of humiliation, dehumanization that comes with enslavement.


Colors play a significant role in the magic system and the organization of Aes Sedai. Aes Sedai are divided into colors, wearing colored robes that represent their area of expertise when wielding the One Power. Blue Ajah are experts in thunder and weather wielding, while the Red Ajah are connected to powers. Red Ajah are the most self-centered and temperament as well. In this novel, Black Ajah make an appearance-they are the Aes Sedai that have sided with the Dark One and use their power for evil.

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