The Great Hunt Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What does the title of the second novel in the series refer to?

    The title “The Great Hunt” refers to its main plot point, namely the hunt for the Horn of Valere-an artifact from the Age of Legends that holds great power. The Horn of Valere can be used to call forth the greatest warriors from the Age of Legends from their graves, to fight alongside the one who blows the horn. Thus, the entire novel is centered around the hunt for this horn, which gets stolen at the beginning by Padan Fain. It is interesting to note that Mat is the one who blows the horn at the end, and not Rand, creating yet another unbreakable bond with an object. This solidifies Mat’s role as a ta’veren, or the one around whom the wheel weaves the time.

  2. 2

    What is Rand’s standpoint on his newly appointed responsibilities?

    Rand could be described as being miserable from the very beginning in his newfound roles and responsibilities. He doesn’t like to be treated as nobility as it creates distance between him and his friends, and doesn’t want to be taken advantage of by the Aes Sedai. Despite being nostalgic for his life as a shepherd, somehow, he always finds a way to make right choices that lead him to his destiny as a Dragon Reborn.

  3. 3

    What is the relationship between Rand and Egwene?

    This novel provides more insight into the history of Rand and Egwene’s relationship, despite them barely being in each other’s company. It is revealed that their connection is not one of mutual liking, but making an unwritten promise to each other since their childhood. Their destinies are intertwined, but their bond appears to be more of a long-time friendship, closeness and loyalty that comes from knowing each other for so long, than a love story. It is shown through their mutual examples of looking for, and liking, other individuals despite their promises. Even Rand’s desperation to rescue Egwene at the end seems to stem from loyalty to a friend than a desperation of a lover.

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