The Five-Star Weekend Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Five-Star Weekend Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Meat-loaf sandwich

The meat-loaf sandwich symbolizes Hollis' breakthrough in her life. One day, Hollis films herself preparing a meat-loaf sandwich showing every stage of her preparation. After filming her recipe, Hollis posts it on her blog "Hungry with Hollis", and the number of subscribers to her blog hits a million instantly. Hollis becomes an instant online sensation and celeb, which transforms her life. Besides becoming wealthy from her blog, Hollis makes new friends who regularly post on her blog. Therefore, the meat-loaf sandwich is a significant symbol of Hollis' success.

The letter

Hollis's letter to her dead mother after she finishes university symbolizes appreciation. In her letter, Hollis thanks her mother for being a wonderful woman who instilled good manners in her. Hollis tells her mother that she has grown up and become a morally upright woman who is respectful, hardworking and focused on excelling in whatever she plans.

The dog, Henrietta

The dog, Henrietta, is a symbol of companionship. At the novel's end, Hollis walks with her dog. Hollis is trying to recover from grief after losing the people dear to her in life. Hollis's mother died when she was a young girl, and her father followed after she finished university. After living with her husband for twenty-four years, he dies in a plane crash. Hollis' friend and companion now is Henrietta, who loves her unconditionally.

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