The Five-Star Weekend Imagery

The Five-Star Weekend Imagery

New Year’s Eve

The following imagery revolves around the anticipation and excitement of an upcoming event. "Hollis sits down at her laptop and decides to make a dinner reservation for two at Mistral on New Year’s Eve. She and Matthew will Uber into the city so they can drink as much champagne as they want; Hollis will buy a new dress, something black and flirty." Hollis sitting at her laptop exudes a sense of focus and determination. The mention of making a dinner reservation creates an image of an upscale and festive restaurant. Also, the use of a rideshare cab in the city suggests a lively urban environment. Moreover, the imagery of drinking champagne signifies celebration and indulgence. Hollis's intention to buy a new dress implies a desire to feel confident and attractive.

Squam Road

The imagery in the following paragraph revolves around the road known as Squam Road. "Hollis and Matthew turn onto Squam Road, which is thick with Spanish olives and rugosa roses; on the fences are posted hand-painted signs: SLOW DOWN! PEDESTRIANS! When Hollis was growing up, this road was so rutted and potholed that it was impossible to drive faster than ten miles an hour, but now, every Mother’s Day weekend, the neighborhood association grades the road as smooth as a yellow ribbon." These descriptions create a visual image of lush vegetation and colorful flora lining the roadside. It evokes the natural beauty and serenity in the vicinity. The hand-painted signs on the fences portray an image of a tight-knit community concerned with safety. Furthermore, the comparison of the smooth road to a yellow ribbon adds a touch of visual elegance and a picturesque environment.

Panel Van

This imagery highlights Caroline's experience riding in Jack's panel van. The narrator asserts "The floor of the van is littered with white paper bags from Henry’s Jr. and coffee cups and discarded Powerball tickets. The back is filled with tools and equipment, lengths of PVC pipe, and insulation sleeves that look like big foil snakes. The van smells of gasoline or oil, not unpleasant but not familiar, and Caroline nearly laughs." The description of the littered floor demonstrates a cluttered space suggesting a lack of organization. This excerpt paints a picture of a messy and work-related setting inside the van characterized by discarded tools. Furthermore, the mention of the smell of gasoline provides a sense of realism. The imagery emphasizes the contrast between Caroline's expectations and the reality of her situation.


The description of Gypsy being located in one of the grand old homes on Federal Street illustrates a luxurious setting. The narrator says, “It has a pleasant outdoor garden where two young women are sitting on a comfy-looking sofa with shopping bags at their feet. One of the women is Black with close-cropped hair, wearing fire-engine-red lipstick and head-to-toe Gucci. The other is a porcelain-skinned blonde in one of those long, floral, puff-sleeved dresses that make Dru-Ann think of Little House on the Prairie. The Gucci woman is showing Laura Ingalls something on her phone." The mention of the pleasant outdoor garden and the presence of fashionable women adds to the allure of the store. Also, the contrasting appearances of the two women on the sofa highlight the diversity and distinct styles found in Gypsy.

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