The Five-Star Weekend Irony

The Five-Star Weekend Irony

Hollis sends a letter to her dead mother.

Hollis' decision to write a letter to her dead mother is ironic. Hollis knows her mother will not read the letter, but she looks forward to a reply. Despite Hollis expressing her appreciation in the letter, the idea of waiting for the mother to read the letter and give a response is paradoxical. Readers comprehend that a dead person cannot read a letter because she is out of sight and only exists in the spiritual world.

The irony “Hungry with Hollis” food blog

When Hollis started her blog, she did not expect it to become the leading food blog in the world. Initially, Hollis only wanted to blog as a hobby and pass the time when free. Ironically, the blog does the contrary because it makes Hollis an online celeb, and she shifts her attention into becoming a full-time blogger, something she never anticipated doing.

The irony of Hollis dining with her enemies

After the death of Hollis' husband, she decides to travel all over the world to meet her old girlfriends as a way of moving on after undergoing the worst experience of grief in her life. Ironically, Hollis decides to meet one of her old friends who harmed her while in college. Readers do not expect Hollis to dine with her enemy.

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