The Family Chao Imagery

The Family Chao Imagery

Youth and Innocence

The narrator describes Alice as "small-breasted, hook-nosed, with long arms and legs, long fingers, and a long, gracefully curved neck." This depiction paints a picture of Alice's physical appearance and highlights her youth and innocence. The details of her delicate features suggest she is not of a mature age, and her slim build and gentle curves suggest a certain vulnerability and femininity. The imagery implies that Dagou is attracted to her, which is reinforced when he tells her that his brother wants to sleep with her. His lewd grin and the fact that he is unafraid to comment on her physical appearance in a public setting further suggest his lack of respect for her. This imagery further highlights the power dynamics between the two characters and the double standard in Dagou's behavior.

Christmas Festivity

During the festivities, the dining room is depicted as being transformed into a "Christmas gift." This imagery describes a spectacularly decorated room that is filled with tiny lights outlining the ceiling and walls, red tablecloths with glitter and glowing centerpieces, and faded scarlet lamps delicately garlanded with ribbons and real holly berries. It creates a magical atmosphere that highlights the joy and festivity of the party. The imagery of the Christmas gift also exudes a sense of generosity and care that Winnie used to show by always giving Katherine a present at the party each year. Thus, this imagery of the Christmas gift highlights the warmth and belonging of the party, emphasizing the generosity and care of Winnie and the other guests.

Dagou and Brenda

Chang uses vivid language to describe the scene of Dagou and Brenda together: "torch-lit, clutching hands. They are one. In their fleshiness; in their beauty, almost coarse; in their matching physicality of charismatic light: they are one." This imagery creates an evocative image of Dagou and Brenda, conveying their physical connection as well as their emotional bond. The use of language such as "fleshiness," "beauty," and "charismatic light" creates an engaging image that speaks to the power of the connection between Dagou and Brenda. The image is further enhanced by the fact that it is contrasted with Katherine's feelings of repulsion and rejection of her heritage. It highlights the contrast between Dagou and Brenda's connection and Katherine's inner turmoil.


The imagery of "the lone, nearby howl rising over the others" creates a powerful emotional atmosphere. It expresses a feeling of loneliness and isolation, as the lone howl stands out from the other dogs' barking. This is an apt metaphor for Ming's emotional state, as he is confronted with a difficult situation and feels isolated from the rest of his family. The image of the "inhuman and as such comforting" hum of the old radio helps to further this atmosphere of loneliness. The "low wet hiss and warble of waves unseen" suggests a sense of mystery, as if something hidden is being revealed while the hum is slowly uncovered. The act of Ming slowly turning the tuning knob to find the hum is also symbolic of his search for understanding and resolution.

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