The Death of a Government Clerk

The Death of a Government Clerk Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Opera (Symbol)

The opera is a symbol of status and culture. Tchervyakov feels proud and blissful at the opera until he sneezes on Brizzhalov, an incident that juxtaposes a highbrow, elevated setting with a common and corporeal faux pas.

New Uniform (Symbol)

Tchervyakov chooses to wear his new uniform and get a haircut before seeing the general. These are symbols of Tchervyakov's respect for the general, and of his way of communicating this to him without having to say it.

Apologies (Motif)

Tchervyakov's numerous apologies to Brizzhalov are the central motif of the story. These apologies represent Tchervyakov's desire to right what he sees an egregious insult (the sneeze), while Brizzhalov sees them as nothing but a nuisance.