The Death of a Government Clerk

The Death of a Government Clerk Irony

The Sneeze

The sneeze is the inciting ironic incident in the story, as it is – the reader knows – an involuntary and perfectly common bodily action that can happen to anyone at any time. However, the sneeze becomes the catalyst for Tchervyakov's crippling anxiety once he realized that he has spattered Brizzhalov, a higher-ranking government employee.

Tchervyakov's Anxiety

Tchervyakov and Brizzhalov have vastly different reactions to the incident at the opera, creating dramatic irony on which the whole story turns. Tchervyakov is convinced that Brizzhalov has been offended by the sneeze, while readers will understand that Brizzhalov simply wants to forget about the incident altogether. The disparate reactions between the two characters underscores the story's interest in how social class and hierarchy affects those at the bottom.

Tchervyakov's Death

At the end of the story, Tchervyakov returns home from Brizzhalov's office and dies. His demise showcases the story's most tragically ironic critique: that Tchervyakov was so crippled by his concern for social decorum that he could not longer keep living, while Brizzhalov likely forgot about the incident (and Tchervyakov himself) as soon as it happened.