The Circle (2017 Film) Quotes


Secrets are lies. Secrets make crimes possible. Secrets need accountability.

Mae Holland

Mae's comment actually refers to her support of going transparent. Full transparency means that it is impossible to have secrets, and it's become apparent to Mae that whilst encouraging everyone else to be fully transparent, her bosses are less excited about full transparency for themselves. Their excuse is that being fully transparent would reveal some of the company's secrets and therefore leave them susceptible to other companies, but Mae sees secrets and lies as the same thing and feels that they should be fully accountable for what they are doing.

Matt: "Everyone really likes you."

Gina : "Your work's been exemplary, strong readings, but your absence at several events -"

Mae: "I'm sorry, my dad's had an episode and I was home helping out."

Gina: "Is that to do with his MS"

Conversation between Mae and two of her co-workers.

Mae has not revealed to anyone at work that her father suffers from MS, and is taken aback when Gina mentions it. Despite her never having said anything to anyone about it, her co-workers seem to know that he suffers from MS already. This is the first time that Mae is made fully aware of the way in which she is surveilled. The conversation also shows that Matt and Gina both think it is perfectly fine to surveil someone and find out all that they can through this surveillance. Gina is not embarrassed that she has this knowledge before Mae gives it to her; it is perfectly normal to her to know everything about a co-worker before they actually confide in her themselves.

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