The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky Irony

The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky Irony

A perfect wife .

The bride is a woman who considers marriage the main aim of a woman in life. It is obvious from her behavior in the train: she listens to everything her husband says, and “to evince surprise at her husband's statement was part of her wifely amiability”. The ironic depiction of such a woman is bitter, as there are no sphere where she would be able to realize herself except marriage.

A big thing

Jack Potter was not the last person in his home town, and he knew “full well that his marriage was an important thing to his town. It could only be exceeded by the burning of the new hotel». The irony shows that people in the town simply have little to do, so that the personal affairs of their marshal are of the greatest interest.

Dozing town

The author depicts the town of Yellow Sky rather ironically – it is a quiet place, and most of the actions take place in the "Weary Gentleman" saloon with few visitors in it. “One was a drummer who talked a great deal and rapidly; three were Texans who did not care to talk at that time; and two were Mexican sheep-herders who did not talk as a general practice in the "Weary Gentleman" saloon.” And the only entertainment of Yellow Town is Scratchy Wilson in the state of being drunk.

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