The Big Lebowski

The Big Lebowski Glossary

handle (noun)


dude (noun)

(informal) man, guy.

gyp (verb)

derogatory term for cheating or swindling

Saddam Hussein (proper noun)

Dictator and president of Iraq from July 1979 until April 2003.

George H.W. Bush (proper noun)

An American politician who served as the 41st president of the United States from 1989 to 1993.

nihilist (noun)

A person that believes life is meaningless, rejecting all morality.

deadbeat (noun)

idle, feckless, or disreputable.

fatuous (adjective)

silly, pointless, inane.

Sabbath (noun)

A religious holiday kept by Jews from Friday evening to Saturday and by Christians on Sunday, during which the faithful abstain from work.

nomenclature (noun)

the devising or choosing of names for things, especially in a science or other discipline.

Chinaman (noun)

A derogatory term for someone from China.

commendations (noun)


Thai stick (noun)

strong cannabis in leaf form, twisted into a small, tightly packed cylinder ready for smoking.

micturate (verb)


the john (noun)

Slang for the toilet.

pacifist (noun)

a person who believes that war and violence are unjustifiable.

jay (noun)

Slang for "joint," meaning a marijuana cigarette.

courier (noun)

a messenger.

pederast (noun)

A man who engages in sexual activity with a young boy.

baksheesh (noun)

a small sum of money given as alms, a tip, or a bribe.