The Big Lebowski

The Big Lebowski Character List

Jeffrey "The Dude" Lebowski

The Dude is a middle-aged slacker who finds himself at the center of a kidnapping that gets more and more complicated as he goes along. He is a stoner dropout who wants nothing more than to listen to whale music in the bathtub while smoking a joint. He bowls in a league with his best friends, is unemployed, and his drink of choice is a White Russian, which he calls a Caucasian. He is described as a pacifist, and maintains an even-keeled if somewhat out-of-it attitude throughout the events he endures. He is at heart an affable and relaxed man, a lovable antihero who is quick to forgive and just wants to have a relaxed time.

Jeffrey Lebowski

Jeffrey Lebowski is a disabled millionaire who is quick to anger and hides a faulty sense of ethics behind his performative philanthropic actions. Towards the end of the film, the Dude realizes that Lebowski is not so rich as he purports to be, and has embezzled funds from his late wife's charitable organization.


Walter is one of the Dude's best friends and they bowl together in a weekly league. Walter is a Vietnam War veteran who is one step away from coming unhinged, combustible and easily angered. While helping the Dude solve the mystery of Bunny's disappearance, he often proves to be more of a liability than a help, making matters much worse than when they began. He is violent and impassioned, a comic foil to the Dude's more relaxed mentality.


Donny is the third friend in the Dude's trio. He is far more meek than Walter, but comes on the adventures with the other two, often the butt of Walter's abuse. He dies of a heart attack during the struggle with the nihilists at the end.


Maude is Jeffrey Lebowski's eccentric daughter. A conceptual artist and passionate feminist, she is not close with her father and reveals that it was her mother who was wealthy, and that her father has embezzled funds from the charitable foundation he and Maude jointly run. She sleeps with the Dude in order to get pregnant, but she does not want him to be part of the child's life. She speaks with an affected British accent and makes paintings by hanging from the ceiling and dropping paint onto a canvas. Her character was modeled as a satirical portrayal of the visual artist, Carolee Schneemann.


Bunny is Jeffrey Lebowski's much younger wife. A porn star who owes a lot of money to a porn producer, she skips town to drive her red convertible around and live the free life. Maude describes her as a nymphomaniac.