Physics: Principles with Applications (7th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0-32162-592-7
ISBN 13: 978-0-32162-592-2

Chapter 10 - Fluids - General Problems - Page 289: 77


a) $A_i=1.026\times10^{-3}m^2$ b) $W_o=3950J$ c) $d_o=5.25\times10^{-3}m$ d) $n=80$ strokes e) $W_i=NFd=80(380N)(0.13m)=3950J=W_o$

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a) $m=960kg$ $d=0.42m$ $r_o=0.09m$ $A_o=0.0254m^2$ $F_i=380N$ $F_o=F_g=mg=9408N$ $\frac{F_o}{A_o}=\frac{F_i}{A_i}$ $A_i=1.026\times10^{-3}m^2$ b) $W_o=mgh=(960kg)(9.8\frac{m}{s^2})(0.42m)=3950J$ c) $V=(0.13m)(1.026\times10^{-3}m^2)=1.33\times10^4m^3$ $d_o=\frac{V}{A_o}=5.25\times10^{-3}m$ d) $n=\frac{0.42m}{5.25\times10^{-3}m}=80$ strokes e) $W_i=NFd=80(380N)(0.13m)=3950J=W_o$
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