Statistics: Informed Decisions Using Data (4th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0321757270
ISBN 13: 978-0-32175-727-2

Chapter 5 - Section 5.1 - Assess Your Understanding - Applying the Concepts - Page 267: 37a


Type of Larceny Theft _________ Probability Pocket picking _______________ 0.006 Purse snatching ______________ 0.009 Shoplifting __________________ 0.207 From motor vehicles __________ 0.341 Motor vehicle accessories ______ 0.140 Bicycles ____________________ 0.065 From buildings _______________ 0.223 From coin-operated machines __ 0.008

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There are 642 police records of larceny thefts. The relative frequency for "pocket picking" is $\frac{4}{642}\approx0.006$ The relative frequency for "purse snatching" is $\frac{6}{642}\approx0.009$ The relative frequency for "shoplifting" is $\frac{133}{642}\approx0.207$ The relative frequency for "from motor vehicles" is $\frac{219}{642}\approx0.341$ The relative frequency for "motor vehicle accessories" is $\frac{90}{642}\approx0.140$ The relative frequency for "bicycles" is $\frac{42}{642}\approx0.065$ The relative frequency for "from buildings" is $\frac{143}{642}\approx0.223$ The relative frequency for "from coin-operated machines" is $\frac{5}{642}\approx0.008$
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