Statistics (12th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0321755936
ISBN 13: 978-0-32175-593-3

Chapter 4 - Discrete Random Variables - Exercises 4.50 - 4.76 - Applying the Concepts - Basic - Page 206: 4.64a


It is according to the characteristics of a binomial random variable, page 196.

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1. We have a sample of 5 bottled-water brands, each one representing a trial. 2. Success: the brand uses tap water. Failure: the brand doesn't use tap water. 3. $p=.25$ and $q=1-p=.75$ 4. The result of each brand is independent of the result of the other brands. 5. $x$ is the number of brands that use tap water.
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