Precalculus: Mathematics for Calculus, 7th Edition

Published by Brooks Cole
ISBN 10: 1305071751
ISBN 13: 978-1-30507-175-9

Chapter 6 - Section 6.1 - Angle Measure - 6.1 Exercises - Page 481: 92


a. $ 160\pi$ rad/min b. $6.19$ mi/h

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Suppose a point moves along a circle of radius $r$ and the ray from the center of the circle to the point traverses $\theta$ radians in time $t$. Let $ s=r\theta$ be the distance the point travels in time $t$. The angular speed of the point is $\omega=\theta/t$. The linear speed of the point is $v=s/t$. $ v=r\omega$. 1 revolution = $ 2\pi$ radians. ---------- A point on the sprocket and a point on the pedal have equal linear speeds. The linear speed of the pedal, $ v_{p}=r_{p}\omega =($4 in$)\cdot(40\cdot 2\pi$ rad/min$)=320\pi$ in/min a. $\displaystyle \omega=\frac{v_{S}}{r_{s}}=\frac{320\pi\ in/min}{2\ in}=160\pi$ rad/min b. The linear speed of a point on the outer rim of the wheel is the speed of the bicycle. 1ft=12 in 1 mi=5280 ft 1 h = 60 min $ v=r\omega$ $=(13\ in)(\displaystyle \frac{1\ ft}{12\ in})(\frac{1\ mi}{5280\ ft})\cdot(\frac{160\pi\ rad}{1\ min})(\frac{60\ min}{1\ h})$ $\approx 6.19$ mi/h
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