Thomas' Calculus 13th Edition

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0-32187-896-5
ISBN 13: 978-0-32187-896-0

Chapter 10: Infinite Sequences and Series - Section 10.1 - Sequences - Exercises 10.1 - Page 572: 135


$a.\displaystyle \quad x_{n+1}=\frac{x_{n}+a/x_{n}}{2}$ verified below. $b.\quad \sqrt{3}$ is being approximated. See below.

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$ a.\quad$ $f(x)=x^{2}-a,\quad a\gt 0$ $f'(x)=2x$ $\begin{align*} x_{n+1}& =x_{n}-\displaystyle \frac{x_{n}^{2}-a}{2x_{n}} \\ & =\displaystyle \frac{2x_{n}^{2}-(x_{n}^{2}-a)}{2x_{n}}\\ & =\displaystyle \frac{x_{n}^{2}+a}{2x_{n}} \\ &=\displaystyle \frac{x_{n}(x_{n}+a/x_{n})}{2x_{n}} \\ &=\displaystyle \frac{x_{n}+a/x_{n}}{2} \end{align*}.$ $ b.\quad$ $x_{0}=1, a=3$ $x_{1}=\displaystyle \frac{1+\frac{3}{1}}{2}=2$ $x_{2}=\displaystyle \frac{2+\frac{3}{2}}{2}=1.75$ $x_{3}=\displaystyle \frac{1.75+\frac{3}{1.75}}{2}=$1.73214285714286 Using a spreadsheet, if column B contains the values for $x_{n}$, we place the formula =(B2+3/B2)/(2) into the cell B3, and copy-paste down. n x 0 1 1 2 2 1.75 3 1.73214285714286 4 1.73205081001473 5 1.73205080756888 6 1.73205080756888 7 1.73205080756888 The number being approximated is the solution to the equation $x^{2}-3=0, \quad x\gt 0$. That is, x=$\sqrt{3}.$
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