Calculus: Early Transcendentals 9th Edition

Published by Cengage Learning
ISBN 10: 1337613924
ISBN 13: 978-1-33761-392-7

Chapter 1 - Section 1.1 - Four Ways to Represent a Function - 1.1 Exercises - Page 18: 20


(a) The range of the ring width function is [0, 1.6 mm] (b) The graph shows that the earth's temperature decreased from 1500 to 1700 and then tended to increase after 1700. In the mid-19th century, there is a dip in the graph which shows that the earth's temperature decreased at this time. This could reflect the volcanic eruptions of the mid-19th century. Volcanic eruptions tend to decrease the earth's temperature since the volcanic ash in the atmosphere blocks the sunlight from reaching the earth's surface.

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(a) The lowest value on the y-axis is 0 and the largest value on the y-axis is 1.6 mm. The range of the ring width function is [0, 1.6 mm] (b) The graph shows that the earth's temperature decreased from 1500 to 1700 and then tended to increase after 1700. In the mid-19th century, there is a dip in the graph which shows that the earth's temperature decreased at this time. This could reflect the volcanic eruptions of the mid-19th century. Volcanic eruptions tend to decrease the earth's temperature since the volcanic ash in the atmosphere blocks the sunlight from reaching the earth's surface.
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