Introductory Algebra for College Students (7th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0-13417-805-X
ISBN 13: 978-0-13417-805-9

Chapter 4 - Section 4.1 - Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Graphing - Exercise Set - Page 291: 22



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Graph each line (plot two points per line, such as the interceptcs) $ \begin{array}{lllllll} & & & & & & \\ y=2x+1 & & & | & y=-2x-3 & & \\ x=0 & & x=2 & | & x=0 & & x=1\\ & & & & & & \\ y=0+1 & & y=2(2)+1 & | & y=0-3 & & y=-2-3 \\ y=1 & & y=5 & | & y=-3 & & y=-5\\ (0,1), & & (2,5) & | & (0,-3) & & (1,-5)\\ & & & & & & \end{array} $ Plot the pairs of points and the accompanying lines. Determine intersection points, if any. (see attached image) There is an intersection point, the solution set is $\{(-1,-1)\}$
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