Intermediate Algebra (6th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0321785045
ISBN 13: 978-0-32178-504-6

Chapter 3 - Section 3.2 - Introduction to Functions - Exercise Set - Page 142: 90


The domain can be determined by observing what x-values are are covered by the graph (or what x-values have points on the graph).

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When given the graph of a function, its domain can determiend by observing what x-values have points on the graph. $\\$For example, if the graph is a parabola, then the domain will be the set of real numbers as the parabola covers all the x-values horizontally. $\\\\$On the other hand, if the x values covered are only from 0 and above,m then the domain will be $[0, +\infty)$.
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