College Algebra 7th Edition

Published by Brooks Cole
ISBN 10: 1305115546
ISBN 13: 978-1-30511-554-5

Chapter P, Prerequisites - Focus on Modeling - Making the Best Decisions - Problems - Page 84: 3


a) $C=8000+22x$ b) $R=49x$ c) $27x-8000$ d) $297$

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a) Let $x$ be the number of tires. The total cost $C$ consists of the set up cost and the production cost for $x$ tires: $$C=8000+22x.$$ b) The revenue $R$ for selling $x$ tires is the product between the number of sold tires and the sale price of each tire: $$R=49x.$$ c) The profit $P$ is the difference between the revenue and the cost: $$\begin{align*} P&=R-C\\ &=49x-(8000+22x)\\ &=49x-8000-22x\\ &=27x-8000. \end{align*}$$ d) In order to break even we must have the revenue equal to the cost, therefore the profit should be zero. We solve the equation for $x$: $$\begin{align*} P&=0\\ 27x-8000&=0\\ 27x&=8000\\ x&=\dfrac{8000}{27}\\ &\approx 297. \end{align*}$$ So $297$ items should be sold.
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