College Algebra 7th Edition

Published by Brooks Cole
ISBN 10: 1305115546
ISBN 13: 978-1-30511-554-5

Chapter P, Prerequisites - Focus on Modeling - Making the Best Decisions - Problems - Page 84: 2


$\textbf{(a)}$ $\underline{\text{For Plan 1}}$ $C_1=195+0.15x$ .......(1) $\underline{\text{ For Plan 2}}$ $C_2=270$ .......(2) $\textbf{(b)}$ The plan $1$ is the cheaper one if the businessman drive $400$ miles and The plan $2$ is the cheaper one if the businessman drive $800$ miles. $\textbf{(c)}$ The two plans cost will be the same at $500$ mile

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$\textbf{(a)}$ $\underline{\text{For Plan 1}}$ The rent of the car for 3 days is $65\times 3=\$195$, in addition to $\$0.15$ per miles. i.e the cost $C$ for $x$ miles, is $C_1=195+0.15x$ .......(1) $\underline{\text{ For Plan 2}}$ The rent of the car for 3 days is $90\times 3=\$270$. i.e the cost $C$ for $x$ miles, is $C_2=270$ .......(2) $\textbf{(b)}$ $C_1(400)=195+0.15(400)=255$ $C_1(800)=195+0.15(800)=315$ $C_2(400)=270$ $C_2(800)=270$ i.e The plan $1$ is the cheaper one if the businessman drive $400$ miles and The plan $2$ is the cheaper one if the businessman drive $800$ miles. $\textbf{(c)}$ The two plans cost will be the same at $195+0.15x=270\Rightarrow 0.15x=75\Rightarrow x=500$ mile
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