Super Size Me

Super Size Me Analysis

Super Size Me takes us on the journey of one man, Morgan Spurlock who decides to find out if McDonald's, the fast food giant, is capable of causing him to become obese. He allows himself to only eat from the McDonald's menu during a 30 day period in order to track his health. He desires the results after a court case was dismissed; in this instance, two women claimed that McDonald's made them obese. The judge threw the case out as they could not prove it was McDonald's that did it to them.

Over the journey of the 30 days we watch as Morgan's weight begins to steadily increase, but more than that his entire inner being is changing, which affects his outward appearance and functioning. He has frequent mood swings, his sex drive is essentially diminished to nothing, his liver has an increased amount of fat stored in it, and his overall health is in rapid decline. The point of the film is to discover whether or not it is the fast food business that is killing us or are we blaming our obesity on an innocent company.

Unfortunately, the findings are quite disturbing. Spurlock is changed because of the fast food, but we also see the responsibility of the people to stop eating the food is necessary to shut them down. Regardless of how obese one gets, they still choose to eat the food that is causing their weight and health issues. It's only when we decide that we no longer can eat this way and thrive, let alone exist in any semblance of a healthy way, that we are able to truly change and make a difference.

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