Still Alice Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the irony of life as illustrated by the experiences of Alice Howland?

    Alice is an admirable character with all that an individual wants to live a happy life. For instance, Alice is a professor at Harvard University, the dream profession for many people who want to experience a happy life. Unfortunately, Alice is not a glad woman because she suffers from recurrent memory lapses. The worst part is that Alice suffers in silence because, at first, she does not even tell her husband and children that she has memory lapses. People think that Alice is happy because she has everything and tries to behave normally. Therefore, Alice's life is satirical because instead of living happily, she suffers endless pain.

  2. 2

    What is saddens Alice most in the rest of her life?

    At last, Alice opens up and tells her family members that she has a memory lapse condition that weakens her health. Alice is no longer able to continue with her teaching work because of fatigue. When she tells her family about her condition, it is only Lydia who believes what she says. When the siblings take a test to ascertain their status, it is confirmed that Ann is genetically infected, implying that with time she will suffer from memory lapses like her mother. Alice is worried that her condition is genetic, and she fears that her future generations will be victims of her condition.

  3. 3

    What is the harsh reality of Alzheimer’s disease?

    The uses Alice as a true testimony of Alzheimer's disease's devastating effects. The disease affects the brain, and the victim starts experiencing memory losses. An individual with Alzheimer's disease experiences fatigue and fails to the energy to continue executing daily activities. Alice suffers for many years to the point she could not remember anything. For instance, she even confused the names of her children and the people around her. However, the reader shows the significance of supporting patients with Alzheimer's disease. Alice managed to live for many days because she received maximum support from her family and friends. Therefore, patients like Alice need support and love to continue living.

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