Sexual Perversity in Chicago Irony

Sexual Perversity in Chicago Irony

The paradox of sexual banter

The Human Resource Manager summons Danny and Bennie to explain why they have sexual banter in the office. Paradoxically, Dannie and Bennie are having a mockery sexual conversation that is not intended to hurt fellow female employees. According to Danny and Bennie, they can only keep boredom at bay by reflecting on their sexual experiences with different women in bed. For instance, Bennie argues that the women who please him in bed leave him with the best memories.

The satire of Joan and Deborah’s sexual conversations

Initially, the reader thinks that intimate sexual conversation is a topic for intimidating men. Satirically, Joan and Deborah are also having a sex-driven conversation in their apartment. The two women talk about their experiences with men, especially the men who do not satisfy them sexually. Therefore, Joan and Deborah pretend to be bored by Danny and Bennie's sexual conversations in the office. On the contrary, these women enjoy listening to Bennie and Dannie's sexual banter.

The irony of the relationship between Danny and Deborah

Romance is supposed to be based on true love and commitment to each other in a relationship. Ironically, Danny and Deborah's romance is based on sex and everyday convenience. Deborah knows that she does not truly love Danny, but she enjoys having sex with him. Similarly, Danny is having a great time with Deborah because he uses her to satisfy his sexual ego. Eventually, Deborah breaks up with Danny to follow her dreams.

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