Sexual Perversity in Chicago Characters

Sexual Perversity in Chicago Character List

Danny Shapiro

Danny is a friend and co-worker of Bernie. He is in his late twenties and highly influenced by his friend; one might even say that Danny is rather gullible when it comes to Bernie’s influence. He picks up Deborah in a library after having first seen at the Art Institute and they briefly live together. He is a profoundly misogynistic.

Deborah Solomon

Deborah is around the same age as Danny. She is roommates and friends with Joan. After she is picked up by Danny, they date and the relationship goes relatively well. The decision to move in with each other, however, becomes the kiss of death. Neither Joan nor Bernie can be said to be crushed when Danny and Deborah break up.

Bernie Litko

As an unlikely mentor in the ways of women for Danny, it is suggested that Bernie is slightly older. He works with Danny, gets shot down by Joan and is more vulgar and foul-mouthed. Danny’s misogyny might be said to be given shape and form by Bernie, but not created by him.

Joan Webber

Deborah’s friend and roommate and apparently a rather unconventional schoolteacher. Like Bernie does about women with Danny, Joan gives advice on men to Deborah. Unlike Bernie’s outright hostility toward Danny’s lover, Joan is merely cold as ice toward Deborah’s. After the break-up, she tries to comfort Deborah by convincing her the failed romance was not her fault.

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