Never Fade Themes

Never Fade Themes

Theme of hunger for power over others

Theme of hunger for power is a prevailing one, PSF's and President Grey want to maintain their power by manipulating people and making them believe that IAAN affected kids are a plague that needs to be treated. President's Grey hunger for power is seen in the last chapter in the way he manipulated public to believe that he was attacked by the Children's League and using it as an excuse to attack.

Corrupted Children's League agents are also hungry for power and they made their leader Alban their tool of manipulation. Knox, the Blue PSI posing as Slip Kid, is also a power hungry maniac who wants to control the rest. For those types of characters, this power hungry behavior doesn't end well as there is always retaliation, there is always someone who refuses to idly stand by.

Theme of otherness

This theme is present in the way the IAAN affected kids are not seen as humans by most and therefore are feared. Rare are the ones who try to understand them and be on their side, like Cate and the bus driver that saved Ruby and Jude, most are afraid and that fear leads to hatred.

There is even otherness among the PSI's in the case of Knox and his vicious Blue clan; he only sees Blue PSI's as worthy and has enormous amount of hatred for rest treating them as less than human.

Theme of friendship

Theme of friendship is present with Ruby and her friends and teammates. They come to share a strong bond and are protective of each other. In a conversation between Ruby and Vida when Ruby confesses to her that she feels like a monster because of what she's done to Rob, that she feels as she is the same as Clancy Grey, Vida reminds her of an important fact. Clancy, Knox and others like them didn't have friends that would steer them in the right direction when they begin to wander off and Ruby has plenty of them ready to do that for her.

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