My Family and Other Animals Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

My Family and Other Animals Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Mother's bathing suit

Gerald's mother buys herself a bathing suit, which the children describe as being like a "badly skinned whale." Her swimsuit is very old fashioned, which is a symbol of her conservative personality, compared to her children's.

The Corfu weather

The sunny Corfu weather represents their happy life. Although they at first struggle with the transition, Corfu becomes their real home, with Gerald Durrell saying that he wouldn't have wished for his childhood to be any different. The following passage describes the carefree and idyllic life the Durrells enjoy in Corfu, singing in the sun: "What fools are we, eh? What fools, sitting her in the sun, singing."

Gerald's Pelican

Gerald brings a pelican back to the house, as one of his many absurd pets. The pelican is one of the stranger animals he brings back and represents his passion for exotic and interesting animals.

Gerald's Boat

Leslie gives Gerald a boat for his birthday. This allows him to go out into the ocean and see aquatic life. Previously, he had no access to these species, meaning the boat represents his increased freedom and happiness.

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