My Family and Other Animals Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How are animals significant in the novel?

    If there's one thing we learn about Gerald in this book, it's that he loves animals. He sees animals as his friends and treats them with respect and kindness. Through his love of animals in the novel, Gerald advocates treating animals with love and sympathy.

    At the beginning of the novel, Gerald's dog Roger is his only real friend and follows him around wherever he goes. Throughout the text, he accumulates more and more exotic pets and is often faced with the dilemma about whether capture and conservation is the best thing for certain animals.

  2. 2

    How does Gerald use humour in this book?

    The humorous tone of the novel is instantly established by the funny title, My Family and Other Animals, which suggests his family are animals.

    Throughout the text, Gerald describes his family in a humorous way, commenting on family foibles, arguments and drama. Each of his family members has their own particular quirks, such as his mother's old fashioned nature, his brother Leslie's obsession with guns, and Larry's arrogance.

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