My Family and Other Animals

Write any three activities of Dr Theodore and Gerald being together.

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In Chapter Five, Gerald bursts in on Gerald while he is entertaining. George introduces Gerald to his friend Dr. Theodore Stephanides. Theodore, said to be an expert on all by George, offers his insight but suggests they take a look to confirm. They arrive at Gerald's spot and Theodore confirms the holds are the creation of female trapdoor spiders. Theodore tells Gerald about the spiders and how they listen from inside their burrows for their intended target before leaping out and snatching them below.

In Chapter Six, Theodore accepts a dinner invitation at Gerald's home. While Jonquil and Theodore discuss Latvian peasant behaviors, Gerald's attention flutters excitedly from one discourse to another.

In Chapter Seven, we learn that Gerald carefully captures and stores live insects to be identified by Theodore who now visits him every Thursday. Theodore then identifies and tells Gerald fascinating facts about the insects. He also tells Gerald how the larvae of oil-beetles transport themselves on select type of bee and subsist on that bee's eggs until adulthood. Theodore goes on to compare the way of the larvae to backing a horse in a race; the odds of getting the right bee are just as unpredictable as the horse is to win. Theodore awkwardly transitions to a tale of how he was to ride a white horse in front of his brigade of troops after the First World War. Unfortunately, the horse was sprayed in the eye with eau de cologne and began bucking in pain. Rider and horse were forced to ride through a back alley while the parade went on without them. Theodore finishes by explaining he no longer likes riding horses.

