Mere Christianity Irony

Mere Christianity Irony

The Law of Nature

Lewis begins his book by talking about the law of nature, a law that should affect and apply to every human being on the planet considering the fact that it is considered as being universal. Lewis notes however ironically that while we all seem to agree upon certain matters, we do not always respect the law of nature. This is presented as being ironic especially when taking into consideration the fact that Lewis believes that humankind respects the law of nature almost instinctively, without thinking about a reason why we do this.

Proof that God exists

Lewis was a religious man who believed in the existence of a powerful being who created the Universe and who was the one who gave us the capability of discerning between what is right or wrong. When he talked about the proof that may convince us that God exists, Lewis notes that the fact that there is no tangible proof that God does exist is proof enough for him that he exists. For many, this idea is ironical considering the scientific point of view that requires that any object or idea must be explained in a logical way and must be proven in a logical and clear way in order for it to be considered as being valid.

Not what you expected

After Lewis made it clear that he believes in the existence of a God, he talks about the way the public may receive his ideas. Lewis tells his listeners that contrary to popular belief, there is nothing new to be added to the old beliefs. This idea is considered by the author as being ironic because he realizes that some of his readers may expect him to come with some new and imaginative ideas but admits that he is unable to do that, no matter how hard he tries.

Used to be an atheist

In the beginning of the second book, Lewis notes ironically that he once was an atheist. He admits that in the past, he believed that every religion on this planet is wrong and that only science can provide humanity with the answers it needed. His opinion changed in time however and he then became an extremely religious man, believing that every religion has something good in it.

Atheism is too simple to be true

As a former atheist, Lewis talks about the reasons why he became a Christian once more. He claims that for him, atheism was just too simple. Lewis claims that religion is much more complex than atheism and that for him, the people who are intelligent believe in God. This idea is ironic considering how nowadays, religious people are sometimes regarded as being naïve and that those who believe in science are usually considered as being the sane and rational ones.

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