Mere Christianity Imagery

Mere Christianity Imagery

The Life-Force movement

In the first book, the author talks about the Life-Force movement, a philosophical idea that combines religion with science. According to the Life-Force ideas, the universe developed in the way explained by science but the process was controlled by a supernatural being. Lewis talks about the movement in positive terms, claiming that the movement combined both the idea of God and the ideas promoted by science. The way he portrays the movement makes the reader understand that Lewis not only agrees with it, but is also not against being associated with them.

Christianity as a necessity

At the end of the first book, Lewis talks about Christianity directly and the reason why in his opinion Christianity is needed into the world. Instead of presenting religion in general in a positive way, Lewis tells his readers that Christianity is necessary not because he is an extremely religious person but because Christianity is necessary for the world to be more moral. Thus, Lewis does not present religion as the answer to everything in the world just as being the answer to the moral questions posed by society in general.

Religion as a complex belief

Lewis notes how nowadays, people like to think about religion as being a simple thing, easy to explain. Lewis claims that the reason why religion is perceived in such a way is because the current religious leaders portrayed religion as being as such. Lewis however claims that such a view is wrong and that religion and spiritual beliefs are extremely complex and should be viewed as such. Thus, Lewis portrays religion as a complex belief that requires time and effort to be understood.

Spoiled goodness

When Lewis talks about God and the existence of Evil in the world, he tells the reader that he does not believe in the existence of a God that is completely good or of a God that is completely evil. He presents instead badness and evilness as spoiled goodness, or rather good things that became in time disoriented to the point where they no longer resemble the good thing they once were. Through this idea, he also portrays God in a different was as he is portrayed in most religions. Instead of portraying him as a being that is only good, he is presented in a humane way, with flaws and weaknesses just like a normal human being.

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