MASH Imagery

MASH Imagery

Dead Bury the Dead

Father John is administering last rites to a man on a surgical table when Duke tells him to come help with a surgery. The Father reluctantly does and the imagery shows us that in war one must deal with the living and let the dead bury the dead as the man had already passed away.


Frank is being hauled off after he attacked Hawkeye. He is seen in a straitjacket and there is a fire burning in a barrel in front of him. The imagery shows us exactly what he is feeling inside, the rage is expressed by the fire and it is trapped by the straight jacket and his nature to keep his anger inside.

The Last Supper

Altman shows Painless eating his final meal before taking his black pill, and all of the men are gathered at a long table around him. Altman sets it up in such a way that they all look as though they are recreating da Vinci's The Last Supper, and the imagery shows us this is the man's final moments.


Trapper and Hawkeye return to the base after a surgery and golf outing in Japan. We see only their legs wearing golf outfits as they exit the helicopter, and their are bloodied bodies strung around their path. The imagery shows us that while they are playing games they are in the midst of a bloody war.

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