Magic's Promise Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Is sexual confusion emerging as one of the main topics discussed by Mercedes Lackey in ‘Magic’s Promise?’

    The topic of sexual confusion surrounding the life of Vanyel is predominant in the entire text. When Vanyel realized that he was sexually attracted to fellow men, he got into a relationship with Tylendel, who unfortunately committed suicide later. Vanyel’s parents tried several times to convince him that he was confused about his sexuality but remained adamant and followed his heart. The paradox in Vanyel's homosexuality is that he sired a daughter with the impotent king's wife at some point. However, Vanyel accepts that he might be heterosexual, but he has strong feelings towards fellowmen.

  2. 2

    Why is Melenna a character of interest to readers?

    Melenna is a character of interest for readers because she diverts their attention from the homosexuality surrounding Vanyel to the topic of female stalking. Melenna is Lady Treesa’s maid, and she is sexually obsessed with Vanyel. Despite knowing that Vanyel is homosexual, Vanyel keeps pursuing him for sexual encounters. At last, Melenna fails to win Vanyel's affection, and she turns on his brother Mekeal. The secret sexual relationship between Mekeal and Melenna leads to the conception and birth of Medren.

  3. 3

    What is the predominant simile used by the author?

    When Vanyel comes back from the border where he had been leading a campaign against the intruders from the neighboring nation, people tell him that he ‘looks like hell.’ However, Vanyel does not feel remorseful for being called hell; instead, he looks forward to people who appreciate his role in society. After all, the same people have referred to him as shaych (homosexual), but he has remained tolerant.

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