Katherine Mansfield: Poems Poem Text

Katherine Mansfield: Poems Poem Text

"Countrywomen" (Excerpt)

"These be two

Country women.

What a size!

Great big arms

And round red faces;

Big substantial

Sit down places;

Great big bosoms firm as cheese

Bursting through their country jackets;

Wide big laps

And sturdy knees;

Hands outspread,

Round and rosy,

Hands to hold

A country posy..."

"A Few Rules For Beginners" (Excerpt)

"Babies must not eat the coal

And they must not make grimaces,

Nor in party dresses roll

And must never black their faces.

They must learn that pointing’s rude,

They must sit quite still at table,

And must always eat the food

Put before them—if they’re able."

"Voices of the Air" (Excerpt)

"But then there comes that moment rare

When, for no cause that I can find,

The little voices of the air

Sound above all the sea and wind.

The sea and wind do then obey

And sighing, sighing double notes

Of double basses, content to play

A droning chord for the little throats—"

-Katherine Mansfield

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