Jurassic Park (1993 film)


Universal took the lengthy pre-production period to carefully plan the Jurassic Park marketing campaign.[57] It cost $65 million and included deals with 100 companies to market 1,000 products.[102] These included: three Jurassic Park video games by Sega and Ocean Software;[103] a toy line by Kenner distributed by Hasbro;[104] McDonald's "Dino-Sized meals";[57] and a novelization for young children.[105]

The film's trailers provided only a fleeting glimpse of the dinosaurs,[106] a tactic journalist Josh Horowitz described as "that old Spielberg axiom of never revealing too much" after Spielberg and director Michael Bay did the same for their production of Transformers in 2007.[107] The film was marketed with the tagline "An Adventure 65 Million Years in the Making". This was a joke Spielberg made on set about the genuine, thousands of years old mosquito in amber used for Hammond's walking stick.[108]

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