Hollow City Metaphors and Similes

Hollow City Metaphors and Similes

1940 world is like a movie or a dream-simile

"Since leaving the island, though, it had become a world, a whole world of marshy forests and smoke-wreathed towns and valleys crisscrossed with shining rivers; and of people and things that looked old but weren’t yet, like props and extras in some elaborately staged but plotless period movie—all of it flashing by and by and by out my window like a dream without end."

In Part One Chapter Six, after escaping the wights and finally getting aboard the train to London, Jacob feels the weight and insanity of traveling to past. He is looking out of the window and takes in the scenery of the world of the past.

Rain as a weapon-simile

"Next came rain, hard as little bullets on our skin."

As they are rowing to escape the wights and their loop island, the group encounters another misfortune in the form of rain. The group is anxious about being chased by wights that even rain feels threatening like little bullets.

Olive is an unseen angel in the sky-metaphor

Olive is floating in the air leading the group towards land. They can't see her because of all the fog but follow her voice as if she were an angel in the sky leading them to safety.

Destiny like an obligation-simile

Jacob feels as if he was pushed into the role of the savior of the group by a sense of destiny: his peculiarity is his destiny, and therefore it feels like an obligation. Jacob doesn't want to follow it blindly; he wants to be able to make his choice.

Tribe of monkeys-simile

"We clung to the swinging net like a tribe of monkeys..."

This simile creates a humorous image of the group. They are clinging to the net to get downhill as they leave the menagerie loop. On the same spot a few hours ago they fought and killed a hollow and now they see his reeking carcass at the bottom.

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