Graduation Day Metaphors and Similes

Graduation Day Metaphors and Similes

The wobbly feeling of Cia’s legs “like jelly”

The narrator’s thoughts about the feel of Damone’s blood running over her hands makes her nauseated and as she throws up, her legs feel weak, a situation that is directly compared to the feel of jelly. This comparison enhances imagery.

The burden of the news of Stacia’s words on Cia “like a yoke”

The impact of the words that Stacia speaks with regards to doing what is necessary to stop the testing and prevent a looming potential civil war is brought out explicitly. In particular, the narrator compares this burden on Cia to a yoke, a comparison that enhances imagery.

The news of Cia’s failure “like a slap on the face”

Even though Cia does not care about the opinion of the Testing council, the news of having failed or the thought of her not being good enough for her or strong enough for them affects her. A simile is used in the presentation of how this knowledge that she failed impacts her, making her feel “like a slap in the face.”

The appearance of the white bulbs “like tiny eyes”

The imagery of the white bulbs is brought out in this work through its direct comparison to tiny eyes. This comparison enables the reader to understand more deeply the portrayed scene as the comparison appeals to their senses.

The feeling of the apple in Cia’s stomach “like lead”

The feel of the apple in Cia’s stomach is directly compared to the feel of lead in the narrator’s stomach. This comparison enables the reader to perceive the poisonous nature of the apple in the narrator’s stomach “like lead.”

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