Graduation Day Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    The laborious student testing discussed in the book 'Graduation' is a symbol of oppression. Discuss how the author justifies this statement.

    Every student has the right to access quality education without being subjected to rigorous tests that limit their chances of success. Charbonneau explores the demanding standardized tests Cia and Raffe undergo to be students in the Commonwealth school. Even after passing the complicated tests, Ciala realizes that students are oppressed and are not allowed to fight for their rights. Therefore, the rigorous tests discussed in the book 'Graduation' symbolizes the oppression innocent students are subjected to. Astonishingly, this kind of education system does not benefit students because it kills their morale in the long run.

  2. 2

    How does the author position Ciala as an agent of change in society?

    The reader is not surprised to learn that Ciala represents revolutionary leaders who put their lives at risk to save the world from oppressors. Ciala is not happy with the education system at the Commonwealth school, and she knows that there are bright students locked out simply because they cannot pass the standardized tests. Ciala organizes a revolution against the Commonwealth school's testing system, and at last, she manages to bring it down. Therefore, Ciala is an agent of change, and the reader appreciates her courage despite being a lady.

  3. 3

    Why do you think chaos erupts after Ciala and her friends manage to end the government's testing conspiracy?

    Ironically, the reader learns that even the oppressed people do not like change in life. Change comes up with disruptions of regular activities, so many people want the status quo to remain. When Ciala and her friends bring down the government's testing system, chaos erupts, disrupting the status quo. Therefore, change is not always welcome because it interferes with everyday life for a while. However, the fruits of change are realized in the long-term.

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