Golden Sun Characters

Golden Sun Character List


This sequel to the original Red Rising book continues to follow Darrow, a low-red citizen of the Society, who seeks to overthrow to the unjust hierarchy it operates under. In this novel, Darrow has been remade into a Gold, now called "Darrow au Andromedus."


Virginia is nicknamed the "Mustang." She is the daughter of Nero au Augustus and is the sister of The Jackal.

The Jackal

The Jackal is a barbaric and violent man, whose real name is "Adrius au Augustus." He is the son of Nero and the brother of Virginia.


Nero au Augustus is the ArchGovernor of Mars. He has two children called Adrius and Virginia, who are both out to get Darrow.


Victra is the lancer of House Augustus. She is also Antronia au Severus' half-sister.


Roque is the lancer of House Augustus. He is also Darrow's close friend.

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