Getting to Maybe Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Getting to Maybe Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Law Review

The law review is a symbol in this text and ultimately represents academic achievement and success. A law review is essentially a student-run journal that publishes articles written by legal professionals, and some written by students.

Studying effectively

This text provides many useful study tips, focusing on how to study effectively and efficiently. This requires the understanding that the reader may not have the best approach to revision.

Multi-faceted arguments

Another motif of the text is the idea of multi-faceted arguments. The professors argue that it isn't effective to simplify an argument or reduce it to a single point. Instead, getting a good grade requires a more nuanced approach.

Keeping it simple

Fischel and Paul acknowledge how stressful studying for a law degree can be. However, in this text they often suggest that it is better to take a more logical approach and try to have a systematic way of dealing with exam questions and revision.


Analysis is a key motif of the text and is something the professors comment upon often. According to them, focusing on analysis is the best way to achieve top grades.

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