Getting to Maybe

Getting to Maybe Analysis

Getting to Maybe: How to Excel in Law School Exams is study-aid book aimed at teaching individuals the best methods to revise for their exams. The book was published by the Carolina Academic Press in 1999.

Fischl himself was a law graduate in 1970 and went on to have a successful career within the field. He has since accumulated a vast amount of knowledge to guide prospective and current students who are In the process of revising for their intense and highly competitive law school exams. He proposes that simply memorizing facts are not enough to ensure a successful background in law but having the ability to analyze and legal situations would aid them more when it comes to the real life practice of law.

The book also provides study tips and do’s and don’t’s of how to get the most out of your revision. The book also goes into how one can deal with the stress and overwhelming emotions endured during upcoming exams.

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