Getting to Maybe Metaphors and Similes

Getting to Maybe Metaphors and Similes

Roadmap metaphor

Fischl and Paul use the metaphor of a roadmap in order to explain the need for students to outline their arguments. In other words, students should give their professor an idea of where their argument is leading.

Sticking like velcro

Fischl and Paul use the phrase "sticking like velcro" is used. This simile emphasizes how "stuck" the student is to the one person they know.

Rumor mill

Fischl and Paul use the metaphor "rumor mill" to talk about how rumors are passed on between students. They emphasize how students should try their best to take rumors with a pinch of salt.

Battle metaphor

The metaphor of a "battle" is often used to describe the dreaded law exams. Fischl and Paul emphasize the need to have a systematic and planned approach to exams, and to have the strength and determination one would have in a battle.

Information dump

Fischl and Paul use the metaphor of an "information dump" in order to describe the approach of students who simply write down everything they know about a subject or case during the exam. According to the professors, this is the wrong approach for a law exam.

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