Geek Love Themes

Geek Love Themes

Normality and Perspective

The family at the center of this story is a collection of people familiarly known as sideshow freaks. They are most definitely not likely to be a group of people termed "normal" by mainstream society. Nevertheless, the members of this family do not view themselves as freaks, at least not in any negative sense of the term. One theme that the book pursues relentlessly is that the definition of what is expected is shaped entirely by perspective. What seems abnormal to someone outside a particular group is not viewed as bizarre within that group.

The Cult of Personality

One member of this family of circus freaks eventually develops into a cult leader whose followers exhibit typical self-destructive behavior that goes against their own self-interest. The members of this cult are known as Arturians, named after their beloved leader, Arturo. Such is the extent of the absence of self-identity and low self-esteem manifested by these people that they actually seek to replicate the freakshow qualities of their leader by undergoing surgery to have their limbs removed. The pursuit of this theme analyzes sociological factors associated with cults of personality including autocratic behavior by leaders and the psychological problems among the faithful which allow them to be so easily manipulated.

Nature versus Nurture

One of the most common themes in fiction involving family dysfunction is related to the question of whether nature or nurture has a greater impact on development. The manner in which this book tackles this theme is directly related to the freakshow qualities of its main characters. The circus family at its center includes a boy born with flippers, an albino hunchback, and conjoined twins colloquially known as Siamese twins. The twist here is that these physical abnormalities are not the result of natural genetic mutations but are instead purposely intended through the introduction of drugs into the gestation process. The parents, in other words, actively seek to create genetic mutations in their offspring by unnaturally producing physical abnormalities. This aspect of the story allows the narrative to pursue themes related to the consequences of the most extreme sort of nurturing growth and development as opposed to allowing nature to take its natural course.

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