Geek Love Metaphors and Similes

Geek Love Metaphors and Similes

Byzantine Dream (Metaphor)

The metaphor "Her face is a Byzantine dream." is used to describe the appearance of Carina's face. The comparison suggests that her face is intricate, complex, and beautiful, much like the art and architecture of the Byzantine Empire. The use of the metaphor emphasizes the exotic and mysterious qualities of the face, as well as its beauty and intricacy. Additionally, the comparison to a dream creates a sense of otherworldliness and unreality, as dreams are often surreal and fantastical. Overall, the metaphor suggests that the Carina's face is a work of art, both beautiful and complex.

Cantilevered Mammary Miracle (Metaphor)

"The blonde on the screen is a cantilevered mammary miracle in a red T-shirt and tight pants." The metaphor "cantilevered mammary miracle" is used to describe the physical appearance of the blonde woman on the screen. The word "cantilevered" refers to a structure that is anchored at one end and projects outward, creating a suspended effect. In this context, it is used to describe the woman's breasts, which are large and appear to be defying gravity. The phrase "mammary miracle" emphasizes the extraordinary nature of her breasts, suggesting that they are remarkable or awe-inspiring in some way. The metaphor portrays the woman as having an eye-catching and attention-grabbing physical appearance, particularly focusing on the exaggerated shape and presentation of her breasts.

Clifford's Grotesque Appearance (Simile)

"Lil also clucked and sighed over Clifford, who looked like a lasagna pan full of exposed organs with a monkey head attached." The simile is used to describe the appearance of Clifford. It conveys a sense of grotesqueness and abnormality in Clifford's appearance. The description suggests that Clifford's body is disfigured or malformed, resembling a dish filled with exposed internal organs. It evokes a sense of unease and discomfort, emphasizing the unusual and unsettling nature of Clifford's physical appearance. Additionally, the inclusion of a monkey head further emphasizes the strangeness and abnormality of Clifford's appearance. Overall, the simile serves to create a vivid and memorable description of Clifford's appearance, highlighting his abnormal and unsettling physical features.

The Effortless Theft (Simile)

"The alarms had been cut at their source and the safe—a silly, tinny affair anyway—had been popped open like a melon on pavement." This simile is comparing the opening of the safe to a melon being popped open on pavement. The phrase "popped open" suggests that the safe was opened with ease, as if it was not a challenge at all. The word "silly" implies that the safe was not very secure or well-made, and the word "tinny" suggests that it was cheaply constructed. The comparison to a melon being popped open on pavement emphasizes the ease with which the safe was opened, as well as the lack of resistance or protection that the safe provided. This simile is used to convey the idea that the safe was not a significant obstacle to the person who opened it, and that it was not a very effective means of securing its contents.

Papa's Crowd Control (Simile)

The simile "Papa tends the crowds like a flock of geese." is used to describe how Papa manages the crowds that come to see the shows. The comparison suggests that the crowds are like a flock of geese, in that they are numerous, can be difficult to manage, and require attention and care. The use of the simile emphasizes the amount of work and effort that Papa puts into managing the crowds, much like a farmer who tends to his flock of geese. Additionally, the comparison to geese creates a vivid image in the reader's mind of the crowds moving and shifting together, much like a flock of birds.

Apple's Cherubic Dullness (Simile)

"Apple was big but dull. She looked like a Tibetan cherub." This simile compares Apple's appearance to that of a Tibetan cherub. The phrase "big but dull" suggests that Apple had a large physical size but lacked liveliness or vibrancy in her demeanor. The comparison to a Tibetan cherub emphasizes her physical resemblance to a cherubic figure, which typically represents a child or angelic being with a cherubic face. Tibetan cherubs are often depicted as chubby and rosy-cheeked, which aligns with the description of Apple being big in size. However, the simile also implies that Apple lacked the charm or engaging qualities typically associated with cherubic figures, further emphasizing her dullness. Overall, this simile conveys the idea that Apple had a physically noticeable appearance but lacked the lively or captivating qualities that one might expect.

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