Four Souls Literary Elements

Four Souls Literary Elements


literary fiction

Setting and Context

beginning of the 20th century, Minneapolis

Narrator and Point of View

Three main characters as narrators: Nanapush, Polly Elizabeth, Margaret
Point of view: first person

Tone and Mood

Tone: direct, contemplating
Mood: gloomy, humorous

Protagonist and Antagonist

Protagonist: a young Native American woman called Fleur or Four Souls; Antagonist: John Mauser, the man Fleur set out to take revenge on for the stolen land of her people.

Major Conflict

A young Native American woman called Fleur sets out to take revenge on a man who'd stolen the land of her people and built his home upon it. She starts working as a maid in that home.


Fleur finally comes back home to her aunt and uncle, wins back the land of her ancestor in a gambling game, with the help of her son and cleanses herself from the influences of the world oppressed by the white man.


"Onrushing, inevitable, carried like a leaf, Fleur fooled herself in thinking she could choose her direction."-foreshadowing of the drastic change of Fleur's plans.


"I have come here to kill you."
"What took you so long," said Mauser.
-Fleur finally decides to go through with her revenge and kill Mauser, unknowing that he already expected it, aware of his wrongdoings in the past.




"I am the sound that the wind used to make in a thousand needles of pine. I am the quiet at the root."
-Auditory imagery of Fleur introducing herself to Mauser as a bearer of pain of her ancestors and tool of their revenge.


"She had caught him in her sleep." -Nanapush, "Medicine"


"We grew hard, We became impenetrable, sparing of our pity." -Nanapush, "Medicine"

Metonymy and Synecdoche

"For what is a man, what are we all, but bits of time caught for a moment in a tangle of blood, bones, skin, and brain? -Nanapush, "Medicine"


"So the name was going to do what it wanted with Fleur Pillager. From the beginning, she did not own it. Once she took it, the name owned her." -Nanapush, "Under the Ground"

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