Four Souls Characters

Four Souls Character List

Fleur-Four Souls

Fleur is the main character of the novel. She is a Native American woman who sets out to take revenge on a white man who stole her land and built a house on it. Instead of killing Mauser she accepts his offer to marry him and use him to her advantage. This creates a turmoil in Fleur's life where her fate starts going downhill, and she realizes she needs to return to her roots.

Polly Elizabeth

One of the narrators of the novel, Polly Elizabeth is a sister to the current wife of James Mauser, before he gets a divorce to marry Fleur. Polly finds herself fascinated by the Native American woman who seduced her brother-in-law away from her sister. After helping Fleur with her pregnancy and raising of the child she creates a stronger sisterly bond with her instead of her own sister.


Nanapush is Fleur's uncle and one of the narrators of the novel. He is foolish and provides comic scenes in the novel with trying to impress and trick his wife Margaret.


Margaret is the third narrator of the novel. She takes on a matriarchal role of a Native American woman in the novel. She comments on the importance of a woman and names given to women, their true names and not the one given to them by white people. She helps Fleur, or Four Souls, heal and find her spirit again at the end.

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