Four Souls Irony

Four Souls Irony

Fleur’s irony

Fleur’s irony lies in her foolishness of thinking she could control the spirits of Four Souls and choose her direction in time. She came to Mauser's home to enact revenge for the sufferings of her people but ends up marrying the same man who brought the sufferings upon them.

Irony of Nanapush

Nanapush, Fleur’s uncle, is somewhat of a comical relief in the novel. His mischiefs upon his wife and his jealousy thread the line of comical ridiculousness. His irony lies in his own foolishness and his jealousy almost kills his wife.

Fleur healing Mauser

The irony of Fleur’s arrival is that she is the only one capable of healing Mauser. She takes care of him and heals him completely. The reason for that is that while seeing Mauser suffering, she felt cheated of her revenge. She healed and made him healthy, so she could destroy him again.

Irony of alcohol

Fleur, parallel to her uncle, succumbs to alcohol abuse after she gives birth to her son. It hinders her and her intent of revenge and Nanapush comments on how the effect of it is even worse for the stronger individuals. They are too proud to admit that they’ve been fooled by the same water that fooled the ordinary idiot.

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