Fellowship Point Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Fellowship Point Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


Archie, his wife, and James are symbols of egocentricity. Archie's wife refuses to encourage her husband to donate the Point; instead, she prioritizes money and suggests it be sold. James also supports Archie's wife's decision, and they both influence Archie to push for the sale of the Point.


Agnes and Polly are symbols of altruism. Agnes is a selfless woman who cares about the environment around her. Polly is also a true depiction of altruism because she agrees with Agnes' proposal to donate the Point to the Land Trust. When Agnes is about to die, she first thinks of the well-being of the environment.

The Point

The Point is a symbol of a sustainable future. According to Agnes and Polly, the Point's primary objective is to preserve the ecosystem and ensure people, animals, and plants live in harmony. Therefore, the Point is an emblem of what the future ought to look like. However, it is vital to note that there are people in the environment who care about profits and can do anything, including destroying the environment, to achieve their selfish gains.

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